Liontude looking to help others on their path to being a United States Citizen. The app is being developed since October 2019.
Geira. Trucker app
lecaro2020-02-01T11:46:55-05:00Geira is a developing idea. The app is to find relevant information while on the road. Whether it’s truck stops, available parking, fuel prices or weigh station status and more.
BLN. Payment system
lecaro2020-02-01T11:47:41-05:00This product is owned by BLN, currently under development. Liontude performs the design (UI) and implementation of the interface with angular (frontend), also part of the core (backend) of the platform in angular too
List Realty
lecaro2020-02-01T11:47:59-05:00We are in charge of the maintenance and design of this portal.